Course Index


Late Summer

To learn about this time of seasonal change, click Pages 170 to 172.  The following topics will be covered in this lesson:  
  • First Day of Late Summer
  • Stomach and Spleen
  • Harvest
  • Diet and Herbs

First Day of Late Summer

Do the guided exploration of late summer, Exercise 71.  Depending on your geographical situation, your experience of late summer may be different from the view presented in the Workbook.  Capture the experience in your own unique surroundings!

Stomach and Spleen

This section is distributed over pages 170 and 171.  Be sure to read the passage on Late Summer elements on page 171.


Do Exercises 72 and 73.  These two exercises will renew you and prepare you for the challenging seasons ahead.

Diet and Herbs

Read the bottom half of page 172 to learn about adapting your diet to your body's Late Summer needs.

Assignment Review:

  1. Read Pages 170, 171 and 172.
  2. Do Exercises 71, 72 and 73.
  3. Do the Self-checking quiz for this lesson found at the end of the "Winter" section.