Course IndexSeasons
FallThis lesson consists of 5 pages of the Herbal Healing Workbook. Click Pages 173 to 177 to access the "Fall" section. To navigate this page, click on the following index or scroll to the subjects you want.
First Day of FallWelcome to the Fall season! This is the time for turning inward and reflecting on the busy activities of the past three seasons. It is a time for gathering our strength and making preparations for Winter. It is a good time to continue our journey inward. Please begin your exploration of Fall by doing Exercise 74.
Lung and Large IntestineRead page 174, keeping in mind how these body systems respond to the environmental influences of Fall.
Immune systemYour immune system needs to be tuned and
ready for the Fall season. Prepare for the challenges of Fall by doing Exercises 75 and
Fall Elements and EnergyExercise 77 will invigorate and empower you!
Take your time doing this (a week is suggested), and record several of the sessions.
Diet and HerbsDo Exercise 78, choosing a day that typifies Fall for you. Take special note of the passages on fall herbs and the suggested fall diet.
Assignment Review: