There are 9 pages in this lesson. Please click
to access Pages 161 to 169. Summer can be enjoyed on
so many different levels. This lesson will help you experience it from inside out!
Because this is a lengthy section, use the index below to refer to the
following material.
First Day of Summer
Heart and Small Intestine
Diet and Herbs
First Day of Summer
Consider the play of the elements in your environment
in doing Exercise 64. This exercise is similar to Exercise 56. Try
to approach it in a different way.
Heart and Small Intestine
The heart and small intestine are addressed in detail
on pages 162 to 167. Do Exercises 65, 66 and 67. Your
knowledge about these organs will be illuminated! Be sure to read the passage on the common but troublesome condition,
malabsorption syndrome, on pages 165 and 166.
Diet and Herbs
Take a Summer Plant Walk and do Exercise 70.
Try to recall the herbs you saw on your walk, then read page 169 to learn how to
use summer plants and herbs to enrich your diet.
Assignment Review:
- Read Pages 161 to 169
- Do Exercises 64, 65, 66, 67 and 70.
- Read Exercises 68 and 69. Do them as well if you wish.
- Do Questions 6 to 10 of the Self-checking Quiz for this section.