Course Index


Death and Rebirth

You have reached the last lesson of the Herbal Healing Pathway course! We hope that this journey has touched your heart and moved you along in your personal evolution. 

Please read Pages 193 and 194, then do Exercises 89 and 90.  When you are finished, you may want to navigate back to the course index and re-experience sections you wish to study more thoroughly.  It might be a good time to go back to the Ayurveda Questionnaire and refine your identification of your dosha, or you may wish to re-do some of the medicine making assignments, using different herbs.  

Please contact us through Email or the Chat Rooms if you have any comments or questions upon completion of this course. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We loved having you with us!

Assignment Review:

  1. Read Pages 193 and 194.
  2. Do Exercises 89 and 90.