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Death and Rebirth

Death & Rebirth

Since we have been studying cycles and seasons we cannot move forward without a word about death. In some cultures a person is not trained in healing until they are comfortable with death. One of the best books that I read on death was The Mystery of Death by Kirpal Singh. Stephen Levine and Elizabeth Kubler Ross also address the subject well in their writings.

After this lesson you will be able to:

  1. write your own epitaph.

  2. using a dying process to help you make changes. 


As we dance with life, life dances with us. Sometimes the dance is smooth and flowing, sometimes jagged and tense. Sometimes it becomes stuck. Movement is life and stagnation is death, death of the cell and death of the self. Death can be an ally. Sometimes it is important for parts of us to die. 

When the dance becomes stuck it may be time for a death. It may be time to go within and connect with the part of us that wants to die and help it to die. With death comes rebirth. 

Some deaths are easier than others. When I think of changing my profession, edge- figures opposed to that change, activate. They have a 25-year investment in keeping me in the same profession. 

Seasons have deaths. When we pass the Winter Solstice, the light will be on the 
increase. At that time, it is time to begin dying to the darkness and embrace the increasing light.

Fear of death is accompanied by an identity crisis. Change your identity and the fears goes. There may be a rejuvenating effect from fantasizing our deaths and getting on with our changes.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 192

Do This! 

Exercise 89 • Composing Your own Epitaph 

Write out your epitaph. See if you are happy with it. If not, consider making the necessary changes in your life, as you have no guarantee how long you will live. 

  • Record your epitaphs:

Do This! 

Exercise 90 • Journey to Rebirth

Have a close friend guide you through a death and rebirth. Lay down and imagine that you are dying. Follow the fantasy through the stages of death and whatever follows. Notice what part of you wants to die? Let yourself die, just for a minute. What part wants to be born? Embrace that part and experience what it feels like. What part may be resisting the change or death (the edge figure, the blocker)?

Pick up the role of the edge figure. Work with the edge figure by having a dialogue him\her and role playing with your assistant. Try to understand the edge figure by occupying his or her role. See if you can figure out what they want or need. Maybe make some kind of deal with them. The closer you stay to your growing edges the more alive you will feel.

  • Record your dying experiences:
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 193

Course Index
Conclusion Index
Death and Rebirth