The readings for this section are found on Pages
to 160. Because this is a lengthy section,
use the index below to refer to the following material.
1st Day
Liver and Gall
Diet and Herbs
Exercise 56, First Day of Spring
For this exercise, you will be paying special attention
to the environment around you, and especially to the plants and animals.
Spring is a wonderful, invigorating time of the year. Depending on what is going on in your
life, you may or may not appreciate it on this level. This exercise is intended
to help you tune into Spring.
Three types of cleanses are addressed in this section.
Choose the cleanse that is right for your constitution and your situation.
You may wish to try the other cleanses later in the spring, or perhaps another year. Remember
the Herbal Healing Journey is an ongoing process, and each exercise can be done many
57 - Clay
58 - Lemon
Exercise 59 - Mental Cleanse
Exercise 60 - Skin
Liver\Gall bladder
Read Page 158 (access by link above) and
do Exercise 62 on the next page for this section. Your liver and gall bladder
are affected by many things and have an important influence on your general
health. Give special attention to this lesson, and to the reference to the Wood Element on page 159.
Diet and Herbs
Read the top of page 157 and the bottom half of
page 160 for this section. Do Exercise 63, keeping in mind which herbs your
body needs.
Assignment Review:
- Do Exercises 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60, 62 and 63.
- Do Questions 1 to 5 of the Self-checking Quiz for this section.