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In this section we begin to explore the subjective realm of knowledge by taking you on a personal journey through the land of the six tastes. We begin to use more of our body and psyche for learning. It is important to participate to the best of your abilities and stretch your imagination into the many paths that we walk on this journey. By taking the time to explore each of the areas that I ask you about you will be expanding your experience and you may or may not be surprised at what may surface. 

By the end of this section you will be able to:

  1. Use the understanding of the six qualities and the six tastes to make informed decisions on the right interventions to help yourself or someone else.
  2. Explore the nine paths of the journey.
  3. Know what each of the tastes do for you.


Taste is largely social and has a powerful social element. Most special gatherings and events are celebrated with food. Meal times bring families together where they learn many of the family patterns. Tasting is probably our main source of pleasure. Our goal is to increase and deepen that pleasure by increasing your experience and knowledge of the different tastes. A person who has taste is someone who has eaten heartily of life and developed a sense of the sublime and the gross. 
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 34 

Taste according to Ayurveda:

   is the essence of the plant. 

   communicates feelings.

   directly affects the nervous system awakening the mind and senses.

   awakens Bio-Fire, enhancing our power of digestion.

   sets our digestive fluids in motion.

Lack of taste leads to:

   low Bio-Fire.                     r  excess Congestion.

To improve Bio-Fire and eliminate disease it is necessary to improve our sense of taste. If the tongue is heavily coated consider a short fast. Increase your consumption of zinc. Get more exercise.

Post Digestive Effect (Vipaka):

The effect that a taste has after it has been digested.

   Sweet\Salty = Sweet

   Sour =Sour

   Bitter\Astringent\ Pungent = PungentSweet\Salty = Sweet


1st. Stage (Water) - Mouth and Stomach


2nd. Stage (Fire) - Stomach and Small Intestine


3rd. Stage (Wind) - Colon


Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 35 

Taste Exercise 

   Expanding awareness of the tastes and linking them to the different paths. Get at least one representative of the various tastes.

   Set aside enough time to enjoy and thoroughly experience the tastes.

   These six tastes are a fundamental building block of Ayurveda and herbalism.

   Be sure to let each taste touch every part of your tongue. We taste sweet things with the tip, bitter at the back, sour on both sides and salty things spread over the surface of our tongue.

   Pungent and astringent are more of a sensation than a taste 

   Our taste buds detect:

Sweet in 1 part to 200. 
Salt is detected in 1 in 400. 
Sour is 1 in 130,000. 
Bitter is 1 in 2,000,000 parts. 

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 36 

Healing Journey Taste Class (Example)

Giant Fir trees dotted the parking lot. The air was cold and crisp. You could smell the sea. There was a feeling of expectant anticipation. These students were my researchers. We were exploring new alchemical modes of awareness. We unpacked our equipment and headed for the beach. The leaves crunched under our feet. The sun was shining but the wind had a cold bite to it. We snuggled together for warmth. 

The first taste we explored was sweet. I passed around some medjool dates and each student began their experiment. Some plunged the whole date in their mouth while others nibbled at the edges. Soon eyes were closing as students absorbed their attention into the sweetness. When I teach I usually do the exercises with my students so I will be in the experience with them. I bit off about half. The sweetness was intense and I allowed my taste buds to indulge in the orgy of sweetness. After sufficient time to explore sweetness in all the paths we came back together to share. 

Some students found the sweetness thick, heavy and sticky. All of us noted the lasting quality of the taste. We felt a sense of sustained energy especially with the natural sugars of the date. Most felt it satisfying. We tried white sugar later and found it to have an empty quality. In the relationship path some found sweetness to be little acts of kindness. While others thought of sexual intimacy. Some felt their relationships provided the sweetness they needed while others sensed a lack and needed more. One student later divorced her husband. These experiences can often tap into areas of denial or unawareness. In the world path students thought of sweetness as a good job, others as a happy home and for some freedom gave them that sense of sweetness. For me it was doing the work I love in a place I love to be. Spiritually sweetness was most represented by contentment.

Next we did salt. I handed out some fantastic kelp powder harvested, processed and distributed by my friend Ryan Drum. I love salt. The moment I put it in my mouth I felt good. I felt it pulled together all the fibres of my being. I could smell the salt in the air and feel the ocean in my cells. Visually it was crystalline. I remembered pictures of processing sea water through natural solar evaporation. 

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I thought about all the different mineral salts. I crave salt. It is my addiction and when I am stressed-out I crave salted pumpkin seeds before any other taste. Salt as a movement was drawing me into a focused and still meditation posture. In relationship I thought of licking the salty tears of my lover. Also the power of attraction that draws souls to each other. The sound was clear, crisp and metallic like a high pitched symbol. In my world it is scuba diving. I feel totally satisfied after a good dive. Spiritually I find it centering and usually crave it more when I am in transition and there is a certain degree of chaos around. 

Some of the students found the salty taste too intense. The experiences in the group were more polarized around salt than sweet. 

Next we did pungent. I used fresh Ginger root for the pungent taste. When we compared notes we found more of a consensus with this taste. We all found it stimulating but not lasting like sweet. In relationships it was passion or conflict. Many of us felt that a certain amount of conflict was necessary in a healthy relationship. If everyone is thinking the same thing, then someone isn't thinking. Pungent definitely encouraged more movement than sweet and salty. There was a sense that pungent could be nicely moderated with the addition of sweet. And of course sweet could be motivated with a little addition of pungent. In the world pungent was more associated with action. Pungent feelings exist closer to the edges of the things we want to do but are afraid of trying. The closer we move to the edge of doing them, the more our life heats up. Pungent is heating. Spiritually it was spirited action. 

Next I passed around slices of lemon. Another intense taste. I love lemons. I think they are one of the magic foods. I feel that everyone would benefit by discovering their magic foods. When they need a little magic in their life they can use them. Most of the students nibbled at the lemon. Almost everyone found it cleansing. Lemon cleans your mouth of the other tastes and leaves your tongue feeling clean. Sour was more complex, like salt, and brought out more differences in the students' response to it. This is why I encourage you to establish your own relationship to the tastes and not totally rely on some external system to tell you what they do for you.

Astringent was more of an experience than a taste. It was definitely contracting in all the paths. Bitter was surprising. We found it to be extremely centering and long lasting. Almost all agreed that a certain degree of bitter was beneficial in every path.

I hope you get a sense from this example of what I am asking you to do. I still use some of the insights that I learned on that day when I experience the different qualities of the tastes in my life and how they relate to the different paths. 

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Do This! 

Exercise 7 • The Six Tastes and the Nine Paths

Do each taste separately and answer the questions below for each taste.

First smell it. Next place a small amount in your mouth and close your eyes. Allow the taste to penetrate you. Meditate on it for at least 5 minutes. You might want to try moving like it. Now answer the following questions.

SWEET: preferably use a medjool date. Another date will do. You can try other sweets to increase your knowledge of sweet. In one group we tried white sugar. Very revealing.

BITTER: Gentian, Dandelion, Endive etc.

SOUR: Lemon, Vitamin C etc.

SALTY: Salt, Kelp etc.

PUNGENT: Ginger, Garlic, Elecampane. etc.

ASTRINGENT: Black tea, Blackberry leaf, Oak bark etc.

*Exercise continues next page.
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 39 

  • What kind of visions does this taste stimulate?

  • What kind of sound do you associate with it?

  • What feeling or body sensation does it evoke?

  • How would you imagine it moving? 

  • How would it manifest in your personal relationships?

  • What kind of work would fit this taste?

  • How do you imagine this flavour in your community?

  • How would this taste manifest in the spirit?

  • Are you attracted or repulsed by this taste?

  • Do you feel you need more or less of this taste?
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 40 

The Six Tastes According to Ayurveda

    - means this taste reduces          + means this taste increases 


       Wind\Fire-               Water+

       Elements: Earth and Water

       Qualities: Heavy\wet\cooling

       Post Digestive Effect (Vipaka): Sweet

Body Effects:

   Promotes the growth of all bodily tissues                   Increases semen

   Creates strength and longevity                                   Gives contentment

   Soothing to the mind and the five senses                    Rebuilds essential energy


   Rebuilds essential energy                                          Nutritive tonic 

   Rejuvenating                                                            Demulcent and Emollient

Excess: Obesity, laziness, excessive sleep, heaviness, loss of appetite, weak digestion, abdominal distention, swelling of lymph, aggravates Water
Examples:    Licorice, Marshmallow, Slippery elm, Roasted roots, Maple bark, Maple syrup, Licorice Fern root and Raw sugar


   Lack - Unfulfilled longing                                         Sufficient - Satisfaction

A person may have an unnatural craving for sweets if they are experiencing an excess of frustration and lack of satisfaction. If they learn to use the flow paradigm to regulate their life in a way that increases the amount of satisfaction they may crave less sweets. 

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 41 


       Wind+               Fire\Water-

       Elements: Wind and Ether

       Qualities: Cold\light\dry

       Post Digestive Effect (Vipaka): Pungent

Body Effects

   Restores sense of taste                             Cleansing to blood and all tissues

   Helps reduce tumours                              Enkindles the digestive fire

   Helps scrape away fat                              Drains and dries the tissues


   Anti-inflammatory                                    Antibacterial

   Germicidal                                               Febrifuge

Excess: Wasting away of all tissues, produces roughness, weakening, emancipating, dizziness, dryness (mouth), aggravates Wind.
Examples:   Dandelion, Oregon grape root, Goldenseal, Gentian and Endive.


   Excess - Grief                                         Sufficient - Joy

I had a client who had spent a number of years in a concentration camp. He was a wind constitution. He was very attracted to bitter dandelion greens. He felt that they kept him alive. Even though the dandelions were bitter they brought him a lot of joy.

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       Fire\Water +             Wind -

       Elements: Earth and Fire

       Qualities: Hot\wet\light

       Post Digestive Effect (Vipaka): Sour


   Promotes digestion                                             Increases appetite

   Nourishing to all tissues except reproductive       Awakens the mind

   Promotes metabolism and circulation                  Gives firmness to the senses

   Promotes salivation, aids swallowing                  Drains the liver 
      moistening and digestion of food


   Carminative                                                       Stimulant

Excess: Teeth sensitive, causes thirst, blinking of the eyes, aggravates Fire, causing a build up of toxins in the blood.
Examples:   Hawthorn berries, Lemons, Rose hips, Sorrel, Alcohol & Fermentation.


   Excess - Envy                                                   Sufficient-Contentment

There was a period of time in my life when I ate a lot of sour. I experienced very little contentment and my fire was constantly in excess. I was involved in a sour relationship at the time. That relationship was dissolved and new ones were begun. I now experience more contentment and less envy. When I am suffering from excess envy I take it as a clue to a possible new direction that I may want to go. 

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       Wind\Fire+             Water-

       Elements: Wind and Fire

       Qualities: Hot\dry\light

       Post Digestive Effect (Vipaka): Pungent

Body Effects

  Stimulating: increasing circulation 
      and bodily functions 

  Removes waste material                            Dispersing and moving effect

  Increases appetite and promotes digestion

  Intensifies and prolongs the effects of the other herbs.


  Diaphoretic - skin                                        Expectorant - lungs 

  Vermicide - digestive tract

Excess: Gives burning sensations, tremors, stabbing pains, weariness and dizziness.
Examples:   Cayenne, Cinnamon, Ginger, Garlic (volatile oils), Propolis and Myrrh (resins)


  Excess - Anger                                            Sufficient - Excitement

I often think of people as different herbs. One student I had was very pungent like Cayenne. Others found her difficult to take regularly or in large doses. I encouraged her to become more like Ginger. Anger is sometimes connected to a sense of loss. Figure out what you have lost and agree to let it go or make arrangements to try and get it back. This is more exciting than suffering from excess anger.

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       Fire\Water+             Wind-

       Elements: Water and Fire

       Qualities: Wet\heavy\hot

       Post Digestive Effect (Vipaka): Sweet

Body Effects:

   Moistens and softens organs.                            Promotes digestion

  Creates salivation.                                              Liquifies congestion 

  Gives taste to food                                             Draws herbs to the kidneys


  Sedative                                                          r  Laxative

Excess: Internal bleeding, hyper-acidity, inflammation, gout, aggravates Fire
Examples:   Sea salt, Rock salt, Seaweed, Celery


r  Excess - Greed                                            r  Sufficient - Zest

When we have too much greed in our lives we are weighted down by our possessions. Sometimes a give away is just the thing we need to put some zest back in our life. We also need a certain amount of desire to propel us forward.

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       Wind+             Fire\Water-

       Elements: Earth and Wind

       Qualities: Cold\dry heavy

       Post Digestive Effect (Vipaka): Pungent

Body Effects:

r  Contracts the muscles helping to raise prolapsed organs 

r  Stops sweating

r  Stops diarrhoea                                           r  Promotes absorption of fluids


r  Haemostatic                                                r  Anti-inflammatory
     (stops bleeding) 

r  Vulnerary


Excess: Drying of the mouth, pain in the heart, constipation, weakens the voice, obstructs paths of circulation, aggravates Wind.
Examples:   Plantain, Red raspberry leaves, Ladies' mantle, White oak bark.


r  Excess - Fear                                              r  Sufficient - Courage

Excess fear is hard on our health. We are constantly on alert. We benefit by exercising our courage sometimes and facing our fears. Fear can cause us to live a constricted life. By facing them and overcoming them slowly our life expands. 

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