
Course Index


Ayurveda, the world’s first medical system, is a science which considers the relationship of body processes, the outside environment, diet and emotional health. Illness is seen as an "imbalance" which can be restored through natural treatment using meditation, herbs and cleansing. 

Ayurvedic healing is an ancient, complex system of medicine. For more background information about Ayurveda. (Click here)

This section of the Herbal Healing Journey is presented in two parts:

Part 1, includes Pages 16 to 20 of the Workbook, and contains the Ayurvedic Constitution Questionnaire

Part 2 includes Pages 21 to 27 of the Workbook.

Begin by reading Page 16.  If you have already done the "Constitution Questionnaire" featured on the Home Page, go on to Page 21, and read up to Page 27, taking note of the suggestions for keeping your constitution in balance found on those pages. Then do Exercise 6.  If you haven't done the "Constitution QuestionnaireClick here  to do it now. But before you leave this section, be sure to read the information on dosha below.

 Constitution (Dosha)

At the heart of Ayurvedic medicine is the concept that the elements are represented in the human body through Doshas (pronounced Doe-sha).  As you will see when you do the questionnaire, you are either a Vata, Pitta or Kapha dosha (or a combination of any of these)  Respectively, these Sanscrit words mean Air, Fire and Water.  The chart on Page 49 of the Herbal Healing Playful Workbook will make the relationship of the doshas easier to understand.

Now that you have identified your dosha, or constitution, read Pages 22 to 27 to learn more about constitutions.

Assignment Review:

  1. Read Pages 16, and 21 to 27.
  2. Do the "Constitution Questionnaire".
  3. Do  Exercise 6 on Page 21.