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Totemism is a highly developed system in many indigenous cultures. Animals are here to support, guide and sometimes challenge us. We can encounter them in the ordinary world, e.g. My partner Sandy took the garbage out one day and there was a deer in our front yard. We lived in the heart of the city, miles away from any deer habitat.

At other times we experience them in the dream world. A common way is meeting an animal in our dreams. 

We learn new ways to live in the world from our animal brothers and sisters. I have been studying and working with the power of the Canada Goose. One winter I was able to go south and was empowered by the experience. When you invoke the power of an animal you tap into its strengths and patterns. It is good to enter this relationship with reverence and humility. It is best if you can actually observe your totem animal. Some totem animals stay with us for a long time, others can be called upon for certain situations and then released. 

Some animals are shape shifters meaning they can change form at will. In the dreamworld I met a whale and a bull who both changed into human form to communicate with me and then went back into their original form.

Do This! 

Exercise 51 • Finding a Totem 

Think about your dreams. Have you dreamed about any animals lately? Strong dream? What animal are you attracted to? Why? If you were an animal which one would you be? Why?


If you have not dreamed of an animal lately then ask your dreams to show you your totem animal.


Do This! 

Exercise 52 • Working with Your Totem 

Find a body feeling or sensation. Amplify the sensation by focusing on it and adding pressure or slight movement if helpful. Draw a picture of an animal that matches the feeling. Does it make a sound? Make that sound. What kind of movement does it make? Make the movements. Increase the movements gradually. As you move like it , become the animal and sense its power.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 143

We practice entering paths at will and discovering our totems. By exploring different paths, we get new information about our bodies, psyches and expand our identity. 

Do This! 

Exercise 53 • Visual Representation of Your Totems

Draw a picture with a representation from the plant, animal and elemental world. Today, mine might have an Otter, a Coffee plant and the Sun in it. If drawing is too difficult then make a collage. 

  • Draw a picture or do a collage:

  • Record your totem experiences:
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 144

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Shamanism Index