Course Index
Shamanism Index


Shamanism is an exciting study. It can become a way of life. Where I live in the Pacific Northwest the Coast Salish natives are a shamanic culture. It includes their winter dances and pot latches. I have had the very good fortune to study with Ellen White, a coast Salish Elder.

All races have shamanic roots if we go back far enough. The labels may be different but the earth knowledge and connections are the same. Even the inner journeys all over the world have similar inner landmarks. 

The training is a reconnection to Nature and to the Self. The exercises in this section are designed to connect you to the plant, element and dream worlds. Ellen White was trained from the age of seven. She is now in her 70's. I have been in training since the age of nineteen. I am now over 50. Nature is a beautiful and magical world and has many marvels to reveal when we open our spiritual eyes. 

There is also a lot of power in Shamanism. We can all benefit from an addition to our personal power but be careful if you are power hungry. " What good is a power, if it stronger than you?" cautions Ellen White. When you apply yourself fully to the following exercises and practice them until they bear fruit you will be richly rewarded. Nature wants contact with us as much as we want to make contact with her.

This lesson will instruct and guide you to:

  1. Tune into the essence of plants for guidance and healing.

  2. Tune into the four elements and understand what affect they have on you.

  3.  Find totems for yourself from the plant, animal and element worlds.

  4. Apply dreambody techniques to working with your dreams.

  5.  Define your bright, grey and no dreams. 

Plant Dreamworld:

"In long training you become one with the herbs. Connect your deepest feelings with the plant, your buddy, sister, brother or elder. How do you feel in the presence of the plant, playful, respectful, full\empty, joy\sorrow?" Ellen White.
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 132

Course Index
Shamanism Index