Treat the Person, Not the Disease
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course, severity and duration of
the disease. He realized that patients with a similar personality would
respond to the same remedy. NOTE: the personality of the INDIVIDUAL was
of even greater importance than the body, in the treatment of their malaise.
Bach said of his medical degree, "It will take me five years to forget
all I have been taught."
By 1913 Bach was practising medicine, but quickly became dissatisfied with orthodox treatments. He found there was little or no time to study the patients themselves; no time to think about the human side. Everyone was so concerned with the disease they ignored the personality of the individual. Bach looked elsewhere for employment, and eventually started to work at the "Immunity School" as an Assistant Bacteriologist. Here Bach discovered that certain intestinal germs that were linked to chronic diseases, were found in everyone - whether they were healthy or `sick'. The sick people simply possessed more of them. Bach then discovered that vaccine injected directly into the blood stream acted as a cleanser of these germs. He got great results, but disliked the injection part. He discovered that if a dose of vaccine was not repeated until the beneficial effects of the former one had worn off or become stable, he got better results with less severe reactions. However, by 1914 Bach was in such poor health he could not enter the army. He continued working and was put in charge of 400 people. He continued conducting research from 1915 to 1919. Bach was an intense workaholic, and so in 1917 suffered a severe hemorrhage/operation. The medical experts gave him three months to live. Bach decided to make the most of the three months, so he totally submerged himself in his own work. He forgot about the illness and as a result, got stronger and stronger. After the three months had expired, he was in better health than ever! Through his work, Bach learned that to heal any disease and meet all occasions that might arise, you treat the patient's temperament or mood and not the disease. The kind of illness, it's type, name and duration were of no consequence. Bach continued working on his theories around bacteria & polarity, and plants & polarity. He needed a new method of potentising (a vital point in polarity). He studied personality groups who had the same reactions mood-wise, to various diseases. In 1919 while working at the London Homeopathic Hospital he discovered "Organon" by Hahnemann. He sat up all night and read it cover to cover and found similar discoveries. Dose repetition showed each case of illness required individual, not mass treatment. "Treat the patient, not the disease." "The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure." Even though Organon was going against the medical profession, Bach combined his own work with Hahnemann's. |
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He came up with three poisons -
syphilis, sycosis & psora - first two definable, third one not. He
concluded that intestinal toxaemia was identical to psora. He proceeded
to prepare vaccines by the homeopathic method of preparations and got excellent
results. Bach found the seven bacterial groups corresponded to the seven
different and definite human personalities. Through this he could diagnose
the patient by personality: 7 oral vaccines & 7 Bach Nosodes. Bach
was striving to bring it to such perfection of detail, so that prescribing
would be possible on symptomology alone without the aid of the laboratory.
Colleagues dubbed him the second Hahnemann. Bach became so concerned with this new direction, that he dropped all other work. Bach closed down his very successful practice, destroyed everything in his laboratory and burned all his notes. He packed two suit cases - one with vials, mortar, pestle and some simple tools. The other was full of old shoes, to be sent to a local thrift store. Bach was returning to Nature to focus only on Nature and what he found amongst the trees and plants. Remedies which were already prepared for humans by Nature herself and were only waiting to be discovered. He rejected his earlier toxaemia work and adopted the flower essences, treating the mood and the individual person instead. Fear of diseases was one of the greatest obstacles, Bach found. The patients desire to get well was always the deciding factor. Bach knew moods changed day to day, even hour to hour, so in an acute disorder, he would change the remedy frequently. Oncoming disease could even be shown by a change in mood. This is particularly clear in children. We can usually tell when sickness is around by a change in our children's mood. Bach's first group of remedies covered 12 states/moods - fear, terror, worry, indecision, indifference, doubt, over-concern, weakness, self-distrust, impatience, over-enthusiasm and pride. The three remedies mentioned earlier - mimulus, impatiens & clematis - made up the nucleus. Each fresh remedy needed a new bowl (the old ones were destroyed). The remedy Cerato was from Tibet (the only plant not native to Bach's England), and was part of the second group of remedies for more persistent states of mind. Bach concluded that an absorbing interest, a great love, a definite purpose in life, was the deciding factor of a person's happiness on earth. By 1934 the first 3 flower combinations for Rescue Remedy were joined - Rock Rose, Clematis, Impatiens (Wind/Water/Fire). Bach believed all the medical training you needed was to study people and plants. Through Bach's experiences with people, he literally began to see their spirits. He followed the thought that first came into his mind. All these years, from 1930 onward he never charged anyone for anything. He settled in a house called "Wellsprings Sotwell". The first 19 remedies would be discovered here. Remedies 20-38 were to be discovered in a different way. |
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For some days before discovering the remedy, Bach would suffer the
disorder himself. He would then go out into the forest to find the
remedy to alleviate his suffering. In this way of creative experimenting
he went on to discover cherry plum, elm, pine, larch, willow, aspen,
hornbeam, sweet chestnut, beech, crab apple, walnut, red chestnut, white
chestnut, honeysuckle, wild rose, star of bethlehem and mustard. The
white chestnut he produced using the sun method, the rest he made using
the boiling method. This process of discovery took a great toll on his
body, and he suffered extreme physical symptoms.
Bach became so sensitive, he could pick up on the distress of his patient coming to see him, before they arrived. Even though Bach was exhausted, it didn't stop him from seeing patients and students, and receiving correspondence from all over the world. Bach took great joy in lay people using his work, as he felt strongly that healing should not be in the hands of just a few people. From this point forward he wanted to be known as an Herbalist. The medical establishment threatened to take him off of their registrar as a medical doctor (many times), and Bach's reply was to go ahead and do it. He was far more interested in healing people than being called a medical doctor. Even though this would have meant he could no longer visit people in their homes, it didn't really affect him, because he found people that came to see him were helped the most anyway. As it turned out, they never did remove him from their registrar. Subsequently he trained a number of people who had been studying with him, to continue spreading his work and the 38 flower essences. He felt complete with that body of work. Life to Bach was continuous, an unbroken stream, uninterrupted by what we call death, which merely heralded a change of condition. Bach was convinced that some work could only be done under earthly conditions, whilst spiritual conditions were necessary for certain other work. On November 27, 1937 he died in his sleep. "I want to make it as simple as this - I am hungry, I will go and pull a lettuce from the garden for my tea; I am frightened and ill, I will take a dose of Mimulus." Edward Bach Bach believed that the two main reasons for ill health were
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Nourish My Heart — Holly The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers
Give me a Sense of Direction — Wild Oat
Ease My Inner Torment — Agrimony
Help Me Face the Unknown — Aspen
Encourage My Tolerance
— Beech
Strengthen My Self Worth — Centaury
Restore my trust in my self — Cerato
Support Me During this Extreme Stress — Cherry Plum
Help me pay Attention — Chestnut Bud
Open Me to Service — Chicory |
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Focus My Attention — Clematis Help Me Feel Clean — Crab Apple
Restore My Confidence, I'm Feeling Overwhelmed — Elm
Help Me Regain My Enthusiasm — Gentian
Restore My Faith — Gorse
Help Me to Listen — Heather
Help Me to be Present — Honeysuckle
Get Me Through the Monday Morning Blues — Hornbeam
Find Me Some Patience — Impatiens
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Help Me Find My Lost Self-Confidence
— Larch
Help Me Face My Fears — Mimulus
End This Sudden Black Depression — Mustard
Help Me to Keep Going — Oak
Help Me with this Total Exhaustion — Olive
Rid Me of this Constant Nagging Guilt — Pine
Support the Healer in Me — Red Chestnut
Help Me Deal with this Terror — Rock Rose
Restore My Flexible Nature — Rock Water
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Help Me Decide Between these
Two — Scleranthus
Restore Order after the Trauma — Star of Bethlehem
Send some Light into this Darkness — Sweet Chestnut
Help Me Catch up to Myself — Vervain
End this Being Right but Not Related — Vine
Help Me Make this Break — Walnut
Help Me be More Involved — Water Violet
Help Me Still My Monkey Mind — White Chestnut
End this Resignation — Wild Rose
Transform all this Resentment — Willow
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Bach Flower EssencesFor further information on the other remedies I recommend the book Handbook of the Bach Flower Essences by Philip Chancellor.A couple of cases that come to mind using the essences are: a young woman came to see me for cervical cancer. The doctors wanted to do surgery and told her that she would never have children. We decided that her condition was connected to her emotions and that she would use the remedies faithfully changing them each week as needed. Her cancer cleared up and a few years later she gave birth to a beautiful girl. Next was a school teacher who was suffering from extreme fatigue. We were using the remedy Vervain for stress, strain and over-enthusiasm. It is for people who are always one step ahead of themselves. The next time he saw me he related an incredible experience to me. He was in his garden and he felt his whole being change as he felt the two parts of himself finally merge as he experienced catching up with himself. His energy level changed and so did the direction of his life. The last was a young woman with pre-cancerous cells in her cervix. After the session with me she decided to quit her job. About a year later while living and working in California she remembered our consultation and her condition. She went in for a pap smear and her cells were normal. I do not remember if we actually used the essences but we did use the essence of Bach's philosophy, which was to follow your own path. |
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Local EssencesThe following are a number of essences that I made and experimented with over the years. For the animal, bird and mammal essences I used bone and feather instead of petals. As you may be familiar with some of these in your garden or the forest I add them as symbols for your own investigations.Oregon grape root: listlessness, apathy, indifference Lavender: male\female energy balance Rosemary: ecstacy Calendula: steadiness of mind, maintain your own thought patterns Plantain: collecting negative emotions and drawing them out Dandelion: truth, dispelling illusions, sharing the truth Wild rose: cleaning up psychic energy after an abortion Shepherd's purse: psychic bleeding Blue camas: freeing emotions that collect in the solar plexus opening up the inner visual channel Gold: adaptability, relaxes excess mental energy Arbutus: enhancing passion, sexual or other Cedar: nourishment, opening up to giving and receiving St. Johnswort: ease the pain of separation of any kind |
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Dogwood: recognizing your
unique beauty, inner and outer
Maple: accepting or changing the drama in your life Whale: bringing subconscious blocks to the surface breaking down the isolation barrier supports group energy Eagle: rising above body consciousness opening up communications with the spirit world vision quest Deer: guardian of the spirit world easier transition to and from spirit world Mastodon: very yang energy helps to ground you Robin: rebirth, lightness and cheerfulness |
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Course Index Herb Index Bach Flower Remedies |