The Art of Practicing HerbalismWhen you are beginning your study of herbs you may be eager to find people to practice on. One of the early suggestions made to me by the late Dr. Christopher was to only treat people if they have asked you for advice. I have found this to be valuable advice. If you are serious about wanting to help people with herbs, then position yourself in a place where you will have the opportunity. Get a job in an herb store or health food store.When the situation is not an emergency, take your time to get to know the person. Remember that the first rule is to treat the person. Find out what is going on with them. Make them feel comfortable. Find out which constitution they are and whether they are sama or nirama. Inquire into their lifestyle and diet to see if anything is majorly contributing to their condition. Consider what season it is and what kind of environment they spend a lot of time in. Ask if they have had any interesting dreams lately. Touch their hands to see if they are warm or cool, dry or moist. Ask them if they are usually this way. Healing is usually taking place during the interview. Your interest, your concern and well directed questions will make the person feel better. When you offer suggestions based on your knowledge, you will usually find people receptive as it targets what they are needing. When you tell a wind person to get a massage once a week or take a hot bath at the end of the day, they usually respond positively. Energetics: First you will need to decide whether to: Preparation: Preferably use a blend of the main targeting
herbs and helpers. This blend could use different herbs blended as
a tea, tinctures or capsulated.
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 97 | |
Time: Unless otherwise specified:
For a rejuvenating effect, take medicine in the morning, before breakfast,
with soy or goat's milk.
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Course Index Herb Index Practicing Herbalism |