Course Index
Herb Index

How to Use Herbs



I bet you are wondering what Coffee is doing in a book about herbs. Did you ever consider that it is a valuable plant? The problem is the constant spraying of Coffee with pesticides. Ask any coffee lover what a difference they experience changing from commercially chemically sprayed coffee to organically grown. The organic is much smoother, gentler and kindlier to the body. 

If you are a regular coffee drinker then switch to organic. If you use a lot of cream, you may want to try soya milk instead. Some soya milks work better than others.

Coffee has an illustrious history from it's discovery in 600 AD by a shepherd. He noticed his young goats being particularly frisky after eating a certain berry. Until 1200 it was used as a wine or green bean decoction. Since then it has been consumed roasted. In 1600 Pope Clement VIII baptized it a Christian drink. It had already been used religiously in Persia to help the faithful stay awake during their prayers. In Turkey a wife could divorce her husband if he did not supply her with enough coffee. In 1940 the coffee break was introduced in the work place. Today it is the second most traded commodity, next to oil.


How to Use Herbs Coffee is an active brain stimulant that many a student uses to
get through finals. Some people have difficulty waking in the morning until they have their morning Coffee.

It is useful in cases of narcotic poisoning keeping people from falling into a dangerous
coma. In extreme cases it can be given via the rectum. 

Coffee exerts a soothing action on the vascular system, preventing a too rapid
wasting of the tissues

It comes in handy when you have gone overboard with alcohol & need to sober-up.

As many of you know Coffee is not for everyone. It is dosage sensitive and quantity changes quality. Wind people would be better off if they avoided Coffee. Fire's need to use it in moderation, if they can (they crave stimulation). Water constitution benefits most from its use.

Do This !

Exercise 18 • Detoxing excess Caffeine

It is important for all regular coffee drinkers to get lots of exercise. Coffee is a muscle stimulant and stores in the muscles. Regular users would benefit by fasting from Coffee 2 or 3 x a year. A liver cleanse like the master cleanse is beneficial. 

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 79


Catnip Nepeta Cataria


Heat conditions (fevers) - powerful diaphoretic.

Stomach upsets (colic, flatulence, dyspepsia) - anti-acid and sedative.

Stress ( Headaches) - calms and relaxes nervous system while neutralizing the acids
created by stress.

Teething - reduces acidity and works as a sedative.

Bronchitis - anti-spasmodic.

Colds - breaks up congestion, removes excess heat, aids sleep

Do This!

Exercise 19 • Treating a Headache with Catnip

Next time you or a friend has a tension headache try a strong cup or two of catnip tea.

Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla

Sedates nerve pain. 

Helps relieve bilious, digestive headaches. 

It is very balancing to the emotions. 

Strengthens the eyes.

Hops Humulus lupulus

Hops are an excellent nervine and due to their bitter nature good for clearing
congestion of the nervous system. 

They are also an excellent sedative and help to promote peaceful sleep. 

Good quality beer in moderation is a good hops tonic. You can use non-alcoholic beer
if you prefer.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 80

Lemon Verbena Verbena 

Excellent nervine, especially for nerve exhaustion due to congestion and lethargy more
than hyperactivity. 

It is a stimulant and decongestant to the nervous system.

Good for breaking a fever.

As an anti- spasmotic it is good for stomach cramps and heart palpitations.

Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora

Skullcap is a good calming herb. 

It has specific properties for lowering high Fire. It soothes excitability and restores

Helpful as a pain reducer.

Useful for people who are going through alcohol or drug withdrawal.

It is a brain tonic, good for meditation and peaceful sleep.

Valerian Valeriana officinalis

Valerian is one of the best herbs for nervous disorders. 

It clears the nerve paths of accumulated Wind. 

Due to the large amounts of the earth element contained in it, it is grounding. 

Helps dispel vertigo, fainting and hysteria. 

Valerian calms muscle spasms and alleviates menstrual cramps. 

Promotes healthy sleep patterns.

Vervain Verbena officinalis

Vervain is an excellent nervine. It is good for nervous conditions and headaches. 

Good for high stress times when you can't seem to catch up to yourself.

Do This! 

Exercise 20 • Afternoon tea break

In the afternoon when you feel tired try a cup of one of the above herbs in place of coffee. I suggest Lemon Verbena, Vervain or Catnip.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 81


St. Johnswort Hypericum Perforatum

This beautiful little plant can be easily identified, by the hundreds of tiny holes in its leaves, when looked at from the underside. This is where it derives its name "perforatum." Hypericum refers to the rich blood-red oil locked up in its golden yellow flowers. This plant has long been a favourite of the alchemists. You can watch these yellow blossoms transform in your medicines from yellow to a deep, dark red. I personally enjoy going out each year to harvest the blossoms. I make St. Johnswort oil and tincture. 


Be sure you are using the small, yellow-flowered medicinal St. John's Wort—not the large, yellow-flowered decorative garden plant.



Relieves pain due to inflammation - anti-inflammatory

Heals bruises, tumours, caked breasts, enlarged glands, swellings 

Tetanus - prevents tetanus infection

Slipped disc - penetrates into the spongy material and lifts the disc up 

Spinal injury - relieves inflammation and is relaxing, anti-convulsive

Phantom pains - used successfully in hospitals in England with amputees

Haemorrhoids - anti-inflammatory and rich in bio-flavonoids

Nervous disorders - sedative

Bedwetting - relieves irritation, works as a sedative

Herpes zoster - anti-inflammatory, vulnerary internally and externally.

Do This! 

Exercise 21 • Making St. Johnswort Oil 

If you can harvest or purchase fresh flowers, make yourself a beautiful oil. The oil is excellent internally and externally for Wind disorders associated with the nerves. It only works with fresh flowers.

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Blue Cohosh Caulophyllum thralietroides 

Take during the last month of pregnancy to aid in a speedy and painless delivery. My
first child came into the world on the wings of blue cohosh. My wife's water bag broke
but labour was being obstinate. Blue cohosh removed that stubbornness very quickly
and efficiently. 

Because of its emmenagogue properties, it is not to be used by pregnant women
except during the last month of pregnancy

Combine blue cohosh with black cohosh. They have complimentary properties
beneficial to the nerves and a strong anti spasmodic effect on the entire system.


Shepherd's Purse Capsella bursa-pastoris

Shepherd's Purse is one of the best remedies in cases of bleeding. It is very rich in
vitamin K. Many midwives take it with them to home births. 

One cup is usually enough to stop a nose bleed. My son chews a few leaves any time
he gets a nose bleed.

Helps women with heavy periods.

Do This! 

Exercise 22 Stopping a nose bleed 

Next time you or a friend have a nose bleed, try some shepherds purse.I taught my son how to identify it. When he or any of the other kids at school got a nose bleed they would pick some and eat it (with great success)! You can purchase some at an herb store.

  • Record Shepherds Purse experiences.
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 83


Crampbark Viburnum opulis 

Crampbark is of great benefit for the relief of menstrual cramps. 

It is also useful for the acute treatment of heart palpitations.

Use whenever there is muscle tension, spasms or pain. 

Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa

Black Cohosh is a useful anti spasmodic for all nervous conditions, cramps and pains.
I was first introduced to this herb by the late Dr. Christopher. We still use his B & B
formula that has Blue cohosh, Black cohosh, Blue vervain, Skullcap & Lobelia. 

It is useful to relieve the pains associated with childbirth. 

Black Haw Viburnum prunifolium

Same as Black Cohosh but stronger.

Helps prevent miscarriage when used with False Unicorn.


Chickweed Stellaria Media

Chickweed is found all over the world in gardens, fields, lawns, waste places and along deserted roadsides. This herb is a lush, succulent, emerald green delight both to the eyes and to the palate. I greatly appreciate chickweed for its wonderful, cooling properties. Wonderful in salads.


Trichomoniasis (vaginal infection) - reduces inflammation and helps clear up infection.

Itching - soothes and heals.

Liver heat (excess anger) - reduces swelling and cools.

Tendonitis - loosens tightness and reduces inflammation.

Constipation - gentle laxative and soothing to intestinal tract.

Obesity - helps metabolize fat.

Convulsions - anti-convulsive.

Tumours - promotes dispersion of inflammatory deposits and their absorption into
excretory paths.

Hives - reduces heat and swelling.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 84

Do This! 

Exercise 23 • Getting rid of the Itch

Next time you or a friend are bothered by any itchy disorder, take Chickweed internally and use it externally as a wash or poultice.


Mashmallow Althea officinalis

Marshmallow contains large amounts of high quality mucilage and is perhaps the best
nutritive tonic herb (internally) and softening emollient (externally) in western

It is a rejuvenating for Fire and fire disorders. It alleviates inflammation.

It soothes the lungs, kidneys, the intestines, the skin and the mucous membranes.

It tonifies Wind.

It is a rich source of calcium. 

It is excellent for enriching breast milk

I use it as a buffer with herbs that are somewhat irritating to soften their action. e.g.


Myrrh Commiphora myrrha

It makes an excellent mouthwash for the gums.

Myrrh is helpful for cases of candida yeast over growth. 

Being a resin it works deep in the tissues. 

It catalyses healing of sores and wounds, while stopping pain. 

Myrrh possesses true tonic, stimulant and rejuvenating powers. 

It is wise to use a pungent herb like Ginger to help move it through the tissues.

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Mullein Flowers Verbascum thapsus 

It is a specific herb for mumps, earaches and glandular swellings. Mullein flowers
relieve inflammation of the nerve tissue, and allay irritation. 


Calendula Calendula officinalis

We have found calendula in some cases to be as effective as cortisone without the
harmful side effects. 

We used it a salve to soothe pain and irritation. 

We use it in cases of herpes, fevers, ulcers, and eruptive skin diseases.

Walnut Hulls Juglans nigra

Walnut is one of the best remedies for candida. 

It is one of the strongest anti-fungal remedy available. It can be used externally or



Goldenseal is one of the finest herbs for the eyes as an eyewash.

A native woman from the east (where goldenseal grows wild) has used it regularly as an eyewash for years. Her eyes sparkle!

Do This! 

Exercise 24 • Soothing Tired Eyes

Next time your eyes are tired and blood shot, make a tea of goldenseal. Strain well and bathe your eyes, directly or use as a compression on the eyes.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 86

PROTECT ME Strengthen the Immune System

Echinacea Echinacea angustifoia or purpurea

Echinacea is one of my top five favourite herbs. Echinacea is the best immune stimulating herb in western herbalism. It is a natural pro-biotic (for life) compared to anti-biotic (against life). It cleanses the blood and lymph system by enhancing the action T-lymphocytes and other white blood cells. I have used Echinacea thousands of times with myself and others and have seen excellent results.


Lowered immune response - frequent colds and flus.

Mononucleosis - I know of two cases that cleared up in 1/4 of the average time
it takes.

Bacterial and viral infection. 



Echinacea works best if given immediately when you suspect a problem. I usually take a couple of doses when I start to feel run down as a prophylactic. It is important to take enough often enough. 25 - 60 drops 4 to 5 x a day. It is important to take it for a few days after you feel better to help the body re-establish itself. 

Many different experts disagree on how long you should use it. I have known people to use it for 1 1/2 years because of their extremely run down condition. A normally healthy individual usually responds right away. Children respond very favourably to it. 

Remember that the sooner you ingest it the better it will work.


Propolis is my favourite natural medicine. It is actually a by-product made by bees mostly from the sap of the popular tree. They use it to cement their hives and to embalm any sick or dead bees to protect the rest of the hive. Meat embedded with propolis is preserved since all the microbes which cause decay, are destroyed. 


Propolis is an amazing ancient remedy for viral and bacterial infections. 

It is very useful for coughs and colds. 

Very effective for urinary disorders. 

It stimulates the immune system.

Relieves the pain and helps heal stomach ulcers.

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My favourite method of using propolis is dropped directly into throat or gargle in a little hot water and swallow, as many viral infections begin in the throat. I spray as frequently as seems necessary. It soothes my throat and decreases the pain (anaesthetic). Propolis tincture can be made milder by adding marshmallow tincture to it.

Tincture: 15 drops in a glass of water. (some resin may stick to glass, alcohol can be used to clean it.) - gargle if your throat is sore and then swallow.

Capsules: for stomach ulcers I fill "00" capsules with 15 drops of tincture and use immediately. 1 or 2 capsules before meals.

Garlic Allium sativum




Destroys many types of worms.

Protects against infection and promotes production of antibodies.


Devil's Claw Harpagophytum procumbens

Devil's Claw has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is often useful in many
cases of arthritis. We have seen some amazing results with it.

Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium

Feverfew is a first class herb in the treatment of migraine headaches. It has been
effective even in cases that have gone on for over 15 years. 

It is also effective during painful menstruation or premenstrual syndrome.

Gentian Gentiana lutea

Dries up congestion. 

Sedates hyperactivity of the liver and spleen. 

It is one of the best anti-Fire herbs.

Yarrow Achillea millefolium

Yarrow is one of my favourite cooling diaphoretics which possesses astringent and
anti-spasmodic properties. 

It is good for colds, particularly those in which fever and inflammation are present. 

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It stops bleeding, both internally and externally. 

Yarrow reduces excessive menstrual flow and helps ease menstrual cramps. 


Ginger Zingiber officinale

Ginger is very popular & I bet most of you have already used it. Maybe when you were sick as a child your parents gave you ginger ale. Which is still a handy remedy especially if you add some Ginger tincture or strong ginger tea to it. Ginger is a great herb to know because you can find it in almost any grocery store. 

The historians say that it originated in Asia. It is now cultivated in the West Indies, Jamaica & Africa. You can grow it in your kitchen by slicing it in half & placing it in a bowl of water, so it will take root.


Some acupuncturists maintain that it opens the gates to all the meridians. 

Ayurvedic healers say that it is kind to all three constitutions. 

It is pungent and very reliable to break up fevers & congestion. 

When indigestion strikes Ginger can bring fast relieve. 

People use it with great success for all forms of nausea, including morning sickness,
motion-sickness and nausea caused from chemotherapy. 

Pregnant women use it for the same complaint. 

When doing a sauna or sweat, Ginger will make you sweat.

Ginger is penetrating and when used with other herbs will help them getting quickly
& efficiently to their destination.

It can be used dry or fresh. Used dry it is more stimulating and a better expectorant.
Used fresh it is better for sweating & digestion.

Do This! 

Exercise 25 • Encouraging a Healthy Sweat with Ginger 

Before you have a hot bath or sauna, drink 1 or 2 cups of hot ginger tea. Notice if you sweat more.

  • Record Ginger experience:
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 89

Damiana Turnera aphrodissiaca

Damiana has aphrodisiac properties that are particularly useful for women. 

Use when there is congestion and insufficiency due to a cold condition. 

It is stimulating and helps remove blocks and congestion from the female organs and
reproductive system in particular.

Mugwort Artimisia vulgaris

Mugwort warms the lower abdomen and fortifies the uterus. 

It regulates menstruation, relieves menstrual cramping and headaches. 

It opens and purifies the circulatory and nervous system. 

It can relieve pain due to congestion. 

Use it in pillows to stimulate dreaming. We have witnessed it producing vivid dreams. 

Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium

Pennyroyal clears the paths of the nervous and reproductive systems. 

It promotes menstruation and relieves spasms, dispelling obstructive Wind. It warms
the uterus and relaxes the uterine muscles. 


Buchu Agathosma betulina

Buchu leaves are a strong antiseptic, diuretic and tonic for the bladder. One woman I
consulted was able to avoid surgical intervention. We also use it in our kidney\bladder

Cleavers Gallium aparine

Used for kidney and bladder problems, especially obstructions of the urinary organs,
such as stones and gravel. 

It is a powerful diuretic useful in reducing weight and treating edema. 

It is valuable for treating skin diseases and eruptions. 

It's cooling properties make it a good treatment for fevers.

Juniper Juniperus communis

Juniper berries are one of the best diuretics for Wind constitution. 

They dispel excess Wind and improve digestion.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 90

Pipsissewa Chimaphila umbellata

Pipsissewa is useful in the treatment of urinary and genital infections. 

It is excellent for the treatment of skin diseases resulting from faulty elimination through
the urinary tract.


Elecampane Inula helenium

Elecampane is a potent herb. When I offered its' fresh roots to one of my students, it prompted her to write a story about "Ella," the grumpy witch. (Ella invites all the good fairies over for tea, to poison them with tea from Elecampane. The problem is, they all get healthy instead). Elecampane is one of your best winter friends. It is found wild in southern England, continental Europe, temperate Asia, southern Siberia and north west India. It is presently cultivated in the United States and Canada.


Elecampane is very pungent.

When your lungs fill with excess congestion and you want to break it up, move it
or dry it out then elecampane is your herb of choice. 

It can be a little harsh so it is good to combine it with Marshmallow Root or another
soothing herb

Elecampane works well with immune stimulating herbs like Propolis, Usnea or

It also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. 

Elecampane is a wonder to behold in your garden. It can grow up to 12 feet tall and its' leaves are impressive.

Ma Huang (Ephedra) Ephedra sinica

Ephedra is a powerful bronchial dilator and is the source of ephedrine, one of the main
medicines for asthmatic attacks. 

It is one of the most powerful Water reducing herbs, relieving cold, mucus, cough and
edema, and promoting wakefulness and activity. 

It relieves joint pain. 

Promotes peripheral circulation and cleanses the lymphatic. 

Caution: Ma Huang may cause heart spasms and raise blood pressure. Avoid if pregnant or if you have high blood pressure.

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Devil's Club Oplopanax horridus 

Devil's club is an important power plant of the Coast Salish of the Pacific Northwest. They use it religiously, for purification, before their bighouse dances. My native teacher, Ellen White, has taught me great respect for this herb. I have experienced desired altered states using this plant. It is not considered a hallucinogenic substance and should not be mis-used. I regard it as a spirit helper.



Arthritis - anti-inflammatory and decongestant.

Diabetes - hypoglycaemic (lowers blood sugar).

Blood toxicity - strong blood purifier.

Fever - strong diaphoretic.

Tonic - member of the ginseng family.

Dermatological aid - heals wounds, burns and infections. 

Used as a deodorant (powder).

Digestive disturbances - digestive tonic.

Colds or cough - expectorant, diaphoretic and tonic.

Caution: Devils Club lowers blood sugar so people with hypoglycemia should avoid it.

Garlic Allium sativum

Lowers blood sugar.

See protect me for more info.

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Course Index
Herb Index

How to Use Herbs