Course Index
Herb Index
Herbs for Change

How to use Herbs to make desired changes.

Herbs are amazing. People often ask me, "Do herbs work?" Herbs not only work, they heal. They live, breathe, talk, spice up our lives and beautify. One only needs to walk through an herb garden to know what I mean. Herbs are one of the most important solutions to our major health crisis. They are effective, a renewable resource, support localized economy and can be very engaging.

Herbalism is a science and an art. It is a lifetime study but can enrich your life and health from your first experience. The more that you involve yourself in the use of them the quicker you will master this wonderful craft. 

By the end of this section you will be able to use herbs:

1) to stimulate                   7) lower your blood sugar

2) to sedate or relax          8) encourage delivery

3) cool you down              9) stop bleeding

4) warm you up                10) ease muscle cramps

5) soothe you                    11) help you urinate

6) protect you                    12)clear your lungs

For dosages of herbs in this section see Appendix #1 in the back of book. 

Common Conditions

I encourage you to consider the Ayurvedic constitution of the individual and adapt the remedies as needed. A good reference is Ayurvedic Healing by David Frawley. These are simple solutions but they often are highly effective. 


Herbs: Dandelion root, Burdock root, Cleavers

Time: between meals

Helpers: healing clay (internally and externally), vit A, Zinc, silica, evening primrose oil, dry skin brushing


Herbs: Ma huang, Stinging Nettle, Goldenseal root

Time: food-with meals, sinus- after meals

Helpers: vit. C., pantothenic acid, royal jelly, raw adrenal extract

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 74


Herbs: Yellow dock root, Stinging Nettle, Blackberries

Time: with meals

Helpers: Biochemic cell salt-ferr. phos, vit. C., B 12


Herbs: Devils claw, Devils club, Stinging Nettle, Alfalfa

Time: before meals

Helpers: alfalfa tabs, vit. C., GLA


Herbs: Lobelia, Ma huang, Usnea, Gum plant, Stinging Nettle, Cramp bark

Time: after meals

Helpers: vit. C.

Bladder problems

Herbs: Golden seal root, Uva ursi, Buchu

Time: before meals

Helpers: silica

Blood pressure, high

Herbs: Hawthorn, Garlic, Mistletoe, Motherwort

Time: after meals

Helpers: garlic caps


Herbs: Usnea, Gum plant, Echinacea

Time: after meals

Helpers: vit. C., garlic caps, eucalyptus steam, garlic oil on feet

Candida yeast infection

Herbs: Black walnut hulls, Pau d'arco, Myrrh

Time: before meals

Helpers: garlic caps, caprillic acid, acidophillus


Herbs: Licorice fern root, Cascara sagrada, Aloes, Psyllium, castor oil

Time: before meals

Helpers: aloes caps, more oil in diet, more fluids

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 75


Herbs: Lobelia, Ma huang, Usnea, Gum plant

Time: after meals

Helpers: garlic caps, slippery elm


Herbs: Devils club, Huckle berry, Elecampane, Dandelion rt., Golden seal rt, Garlic

Time: with meals

Helpers: sucanat (organic raw sugar), vit. C., vit. A, zinc, chromium


Herbs: Siberian ginseng, Ginseng, Licorice fern root

Time: with meals

Helpers: vit. C., pantothenic acid, royal jelly, raw adrenal extract


Herbs: Yarrow, Ginger, Catnip (children),

Time: after meals

Helpers: Cell salt-ferr. phos. frequently, lots of water, aloes-if constipated


Herbs: Echinacea, Yarrow, Propolis

Time: after meals

Helpers: vit. C., vit. A, zinc

Gall bladder inflammation

Herbs: Dandelion root, Oregon grape root, Calendula, Echinacea

Time: with meals

Helpers: avoid fried foods, excess oils

Gall bladder stones

Herbs: Dandelion root, Madder root, Tumeric

Time: with meals

Helpers: avoid fats, apple cider vinegar


Herbs: Feverfew, Catnip, Chamomile

Time: after meals

Helpers: apple cider vinegar steam

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 76


Herbs: Dandelion, Licorice fern root, Siberian Ginseng root

Time: with meals

Helpers: Eat small amounts of food more often, Chromium


Herbs: Dandelion root, Milk thistle, Goldenseal root

Time: with meals

Helpers: B complex

Kidney infection

Herbs: Goldenseal root, Propolis, Echinacea,

Time: before meals

Helpers: vit. C., lots of water

Kidney stones

Herbs: Couch grass root, Madder root, Cleavers, Marshmallow root

Time: before meals

Helpers: ginger compress

Liver excess (over heated, impatient, wakes up at 2:00 am.)

Herbs: Dandelion root, Gentian root, Milk thistle

Time: with meals

Helpers: reduce fats, cut out heating foods, vent anger

Liver weakness (lethargic, grumpy, sleeps in)

Herbs: Milk thistle, Dandelion root, Maple bark

Time: with meals

Helpers: B complex

Menstruation congestion

Herbs: Pennyroyal, Dong quai, Angelica,

Time: before meals

Helpers: ginger compress

Menstruation cramps

Herbs: Cramp bark, Ginger, Dong quai, Angelica,

Time: before meals

Helpers: ginger compress, evening primrose oil

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 77

Menstruation delayed 

Herbs: Pennyroyal, Dong quai, *caution, avoid if pregnant

Time: before meals

Helpers: ginger compress

Menstruation excess

Herbs: Yarrow, Shepherds purse

Time: before meals

Helpers: avoid heating foods

Nerve weakness

Herbs: Oatstraw, Catnip, Vervain, Skullcap

Time: after meals

Helpers: calc\mag., B vit., massage, time in nature

Prostate problems

Herbs: Saw palmetto berries

Time: before meals,

Helpers: zinc, reflexology points

Vaginal yeast infection

Herbs: Goldenseal root, Black walnut hulls, Garlic

Time: before meals

Helpers: garlic caps, avoid sugar

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Course Index
Herb Index
Herbs for Change