Herbs That Keep You Healthy
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![]() secretion that stimulates the digestive glands of the stomach, intestines, liver & gall bladder. Make a vinegar, strong infusion or soup using Alfalfa, Horsetail, Kelp
and Nettle using instructions from preparation section. Use these herbs
regularly as a mineral, vitamin supplement. Add other nutritive herbs as
your personal needs dictate.
Dosage: Vinegar - 1 to 2 tsps. in water with meals
Infusion - 1 to 3 cups a day with meals
Soup - whenever it appeals to you |
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![]() Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals
Dosage: Powder - 1tsp. 2to 3 x day with meals
Caution: Insist on the highest quality kelp.
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![]() Dosage: 1 to 2 tsp. 1 to 3 x day with meals
Alfalfa Medicago Sativa
I deeply appreciate this wonder of nature called alfalfa. This simple
little plant sends its roots over 100 feet into the earth searching for
vital minerals. Alfalfa is a luscious, abundant plant that displays a beautiful
array of purple flowers. This valuable plant originally came from Persia.
I frequently use alfalfa in my practice. Two cases come to mind immediately.
Both involve people whom I love. With alfalfa, as tablets, both severe
cases of G.I. disturbance cleared up.
Caution: Alfalfa, especially in tablet form, is very drying and
could aggravate Wind conditions over time. Wind need to use oil with them
to prevent drying.
Dosage: Tablets or capsules - 2 to 4 with meals |
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NOURISH YOUR ENERGY BODYGinseng(Chinese or Korean) Panax Ginseng (Siberian) Eleutherococcus Senticsus Ginseng is one of the most valuable herbs. Some roots sell for thousands of dollars. It is a native of Manchuria, China & other parts of east Asia. It is cultivated in China, Korea & Japan. Sadly, there are very few wild plants anymore. Please consider this when harvesting herbs and leave plenty. Uses:![]() run down.
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There are three ginsengs that we
use. Chinese ginseng is the hottest and my choice for extreme fatigue.
American ginseng is cooler and better for fire types and hotter seasons.
Siberian ginseng is the best for regular use.
There are many herbs that combine well with Ginseng. They are Licorice, Orange Peel, Ginger, Elecampane & Cinnamon. Do This!Exercise 15 • Increasing Your Energy with GinsengNext time you are feeling a little run down, purchase some Siberian Ginseng (be certain it is authentic, preferably from Siberia. It tastes mostly bland with a slight bitter taste). Dosage: Powder - blend 1 Tbls. in your favourite drink (preferrably not orange). 1 cup before breakfast and another in the afternoon around 3:00 P.M. Tablet or capsule - 1 to 2 at same times Tincture - 1-5 ml. at same times Do this
for one month. Go to bed earlier than usual
Contra indications: Do not use if you drink a lot of coffee, you find that it elevates your blood pressure or it makes you hyper or nervous. NOURISH YOUR BLOODRed Clover Trifolium pratenseDosage: Strong infusion - 1 to 3 cups a day between meals |
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Burdock Arctium lappa
Dosage: Decoction - 1 to 3 cups a day between meals
Yellow Dock Rumex crispus
Dosage: Decoction - 1 to 3 cups a day between meals
Plantago Major - broad leaf
Plantago Lancelot - narrow leaf
This is one plant that you definitely want to get to know. It may save
someone's life someday. This humble little herb's availability enhances
its healing value. It grows abundantly and everywhere. I have always been
able to find a fresh plantain leaf when I needed it. This is immensely
important as this plant is excellent for bee stings. Plantain draws out
the poison, eliminating pain and swelling, even in delicate areas like
the eyes. It works very well for blood poisoning. The simplest method is
to chew up a few leaves and apply directly to the afflicted area. For blood
poisoning the plant should be taken internally as well.
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![]() Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day between meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day between meals
Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals
Tincture - 2 to5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals
Mary's Thistle Silybum marianum
Dosage: Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals
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Oregon Grape Root Berberis
Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals
Tincture - 2 to5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals
Dosage: Tincture - 2-4 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals
Fo-Ti Polygonum multiforum
Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals
Tincture - 2 to5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals
Gota Kola Hydrocotyle asiatica
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![]() Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals
Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day between meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day between meals
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NOURISH YOUR HEARTHawthorn Crataegus oxyacanthaIt is a healer of the heart. When I nestle in close to a Hawthorn tree and gently hug her, we both find such love and strength. When taking it as a heart remedy, I encourage you to spend time with a Hawthorn tree. Uses:![]() Caution: Hawthorn is safe, though people taking beta-blockers
may experience mild Make an elixir with the berries. Buy a good bottle of brandy and empty
into a wide mouth jar. Harvest or purchase enough berries to fill the jar.
Shake daily for at least one month. Longer is even better. We usually do
this every year. Herbalists call this a saturation tincture.
Dosage: Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals. Hawthorn
can take a couple weeks to get into the tissues, so give it time.
You can also make a delicious jam. Make only enough for the year and
put up in small canning jars. * Strain out all seeds.
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Do This!Exercise 17 • Nourishing Your HeartPlace your hand over your heart. Feel the beating of your heart. Imagine your heart sending blood full of rich oxygen and nutrition. Feel it going to every cell in your body, from the tip of your big toe to the crown of your head. Imagine all your cells bathed in this life giving fluid. Open yourself to this eternal rhythm of life affirming energy. As you breathe in imagine the blood absorbing the oxygen from your lungs and as you breathe out sense it travelling to every part of your body. When you are finished take a couple more breaths and thank your heart for it's faithful work. Ask it if it needs anything? More exercise, fresh air, iron, magnesium, Vitamin E or herbs like Hawthorn, Motherwort or Lily of the Valley? Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals
Mistletoe Viscum album
Caution: Mistletoe berries are poisonous. Use only a standardised
preparation and stick to the dosage listed on it.
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Garlic Allium sativum
Dosage: Fresh cloves - 1 to 2 cloves 2 to 5 x day with food
Capsules - 1 to 2 capsules 2 to 5 x day with food
Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup, 2 to 5 x day before meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml., 2 to 5 x day before meals
Caution: Use only organic orange peels as commercial oranges
are heavily sprayed. The more aged the better.
Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup, 2 to 5 x day before meals
Tincture - 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals
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NOURISH MY FEMALENESSChaste Tree Vitex agnus castusDosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals
Tincture - 1 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals
False Unicorn Chamailirium luteum
Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals
caution: if a woman does not want to get pregnant then
she should avoid false unicorn root.
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Dong Quai Angelica senensis
Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals
Tincture - 1 to 4 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals
Caution: Not be used during pregnancy, excessive menstrual flow,
if you have fibroids, bloating, breast tenderness, or diarrhea. Women
who are hot most of the time may find it too heating. They may benefit
more from Chaste tree.
Partridge Berry (formerly Squawvine)
Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals
Marshmallow Althea officinale
Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals
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Fennel Foeniculum vulgaris
Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals
Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals
Bilberry Vaccinium Myrtillus
Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals
Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals
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Course Index Herb Index Herbs for Health |