Course Index
Herb Index
Herbs for Health

Herbs That Keep You Healthy
How to use herbs to nourish yourself.

Herbal Ally 

   An ally is much greater than a drug.

   An Ally is a friend and a power. She can come to your rescue on many levels. She can
      comfort you at one time and then turn around and challenge you the next time.

   Plants are living beings with incredible power and personalities. They want to make
      contact with people. Most of them are inclusive and want to include us in their lives.

   Without plants we wouldn't be breathing or eating.

   Herbalism is a living art. The art of living.

   The main focus of using the plants is nourishment. Eat your weeds!

   Healing is what you do between illness events. Eat your weeds!


Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica

Found in the temperate regions of Europe, Britain, Asia, Japan,  S. Africa, Australia, Andes and N. America. Indians used to make cord and fish nets. Used in Britain to make very fine linen. Discontinued because the nettles were too difficult to cultivate.


   Improves nutrition - high in chlorophyll, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, 
     Vitamin D, silica, sodium, potassium & sulphur.

   Good for people who suffer from migraines associated with bilious vomiting

   Excellent to relieve the symptoms of hay fever & other allergies.

   Purifies the blood and cleans the lymph.

   Reduces uric acid helping with rheumatism & gout.

   Promotes milk in nursing mothers, Galactagogue.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 58

   Improves digestion - contains secretin, a substance that acts as a stimulus to pancreatic
     secretion that stimulates the digestive glands of the stomach, intestines, liver & gall

   Gargling reduces mouth infections, thrush, gingivitis & tonsillitis. 

   Use fresh plant to sting an area, usually bothered with rheumatism or arthritis.
     I have witnessed it work like a charm. 

Do This! 

Exercise 14 Nourishing Vinegar 

Make a vinegar, strong infusion or soup using Alfalfa, Horsetail, Kelp and Nettle using instructions from preparation section. Use these herbs regularly as a mineral, vitamin supplement. Add other nutritive herbs as your personal needs dictate.

Dosage: Vinegar - 1 to 2 tsps. in water with meals

Infusion - 1 to 3 cups a day with meals

Soup - whenever it appeals to you

Nourish Your Bones, Teeth, Connective Tissue and Lungs

Horsetail Equisetum arvense


   Recalcification. Osteoporosis.

   Diuretic. The more silica in the body the greater the diuretic effect.

   Healthier fingernails in 15 days.

   Healing fractured bones in 17 days.

   Stimulates rapid recalcification of lung tissue helping with Tuberculosis.

   Teeth. Hardens the enamel. Prevents gum bleeding, gum atrophy & recession. Fights

   Cancer. Powerful eliminator of organic waste products, particularly urea, uric acid and
      nicotine. Strengthens connective tissue, the prime barrier set up by the body to ward
      off the progression of cancer cells and the degenerative process. 

   Arterial weakness. Clears the atreries and makes them more pliable. 

   Helps to dissolve kidney stones & clear up urinary tract infections. 

   Reduces inflammation of the G.I. tract and clears stomach & intestinal catarrh. 

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 59


   A natural deodorant. 

   Prevention & repair of stretch marks. 

   Promotes healthy collagen. (Check by pinching the skin on the back of your hand to
      see how it snaps back. Lack of collagen makes it sluggish). 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals 




   Ninety-two different nutritional elements. 

   Rich source of natural Iodine. 

   Provides energy and endurance. 

   Helps relieve nervous tension (excellent for Wind types) 

   Contains more minerals than land plants. (our land minerals are being carried to the sea
      by our poor treatment of our soil) 

   Rich source of potassium. 

   Helps to pull excess radiation out of the body and to protect against same. 

   Soothing to the whole gastro-intestinal tract. 

Dosage: Powder - 1tsp. 2to 3 x day with meals 

Caution: Insist on the highest quality kelp. 


Apple Cider Vinegar 


   Rich source of readily available potassium. 

   Helps the body digest food esp. minerals. 

   Promotes weight loss. 

   Dissolves unwanted calcium deposits. 

   Helps to prevent certain types of headaches. 

   Helps relieve fatigue and irritableness. 

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 60

   Promotes right Ph of bladder and vagina to maintain health. 

   Breaks down and removes excess congestion. 

   Makes muscles supple, helping to prevent stiffness and back-ache. 

Dosage: 1 to 2 tsp. 1 to 3 x day with meals 


Alfalfa Medicago Sativa 

I deeply appreciate this wonder of nature called alfalfa. This simple little plant sends its roots over 100 feet into the earth searching for vital minerals. Alfalfa is a luscious, abundant plant that displays a beautiful array of purple flowers. This valuable plant originally came from Persia. 

I frequently use alfalfa in my practice. Two cases come to mind immediately. Both involve people whom I love. With alfalfa, as tablets, both severe cases of G.I. disturbance cleared up. 


   Reduces acidity - high in alkaline minerals 

   Cleans out diverticulitis (bowel pockets) - contains a special fibre that helps to clean
     out toxic waste from pockets in the colon, this fibre also supports proper intestinal

   Improves digestion - contains 8 essential enzymes. 

   Increases quality and production of breast milk. 

   Vitamin/Mineral supplement - contains the following nutrients: protein, calcium,
      phosphorus, iron, potassium, choline, sodium, silica, magnesium, 8 essential enzymes,
     Vitamins A, D, B6, K, U (anti-peptic ulcer) & P (rutin -bioflavonoid). 

   Reduces water retention - is a mild diuretic. 

   Improves assimilation by its action on the sympathetic nervous system favourably
      influencing nutrition. Tones up the appetite and digestion. Results in greatly improved
      mental and physical vigour 

   Helps to heal ulcers - contains significant amounts of Vit.U. 

   Nourishes and improves pituitary function. 

Caution: Alfalfa, especially in tablet form, is very drying and could aggravate Wind conditions over time. Wind need to use oil with them to prevent drying. 

Dosage: Tablets or capsules - 2 to 4 with meals 

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(Chinese or Korean) Panax Ginseng 

(Siberian) Eleutherococcus Senticsus 

Ginseng is one of the most valuable herbs. Some roots sell for thousands of dollars. It is a native of Manchuria, China & other parts of east Asia. It is cultivated in China, Korea & Japan. Sadly, there are very few wild plants anymore. Please consider this when harvesting herbs and leave plenty. 


   Ginseng is highly prized for its' ability to rebuild you when you have been ill or
      run down

   It is a tonic par excellent. In this modern world with all it's stress it is a valuable ally.
      It nurtures your stress glands (adrenal) enabling them to function better. 

   Ginseng improves performance levels both physical & mental. Many athletes use it. 

   It is an adaptogen that means it regulates a number of different body systems to keep
      them in harmony

   For those of you or your patients who suffer from fatigue Ginseng is your herb of
      choice. I have seen Ginseng help many people who came to me for fatigue. 

   It is rejuvenating for the sexual organs of both sexes. In the male it increases
levels while decreasing prostate weight. Testosterone is a hormone
      that enhances male qualities. Interestingly, it exerts oestrogen-like action on the
      female reproductive system. 

   Herbalists regard it as a longevity herb and studies have proven it to lengthen the life
      span of cells in culture. 

   It enhances the immune system by stimulating your macrophages, the "pac-men"
     of your body. They filter the blood & lymph by engulfing & destroying bacteria, viruses,
      worn out red blood cells & other waste matter. 

   It protects the liver & offers some protection against harmful radiation

   Ginseng acts as a hormone arouser waking up your whole body. Its' effects last from
     4 to 6 hours. 

   It is best suited for Wind diseases esp. those of old age. Fire & Water can use
     Ginseng being careful to monitor its' heating & weight increasing abilities. 

   The Chinese consider Ginseng one of the most yang herbs & a chi tonic. Chi is our
      vital life force energy. 

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There are three ginsengs that we use. Chinese ginseng is the hottest and my choice for extreme fatigue. American ginseng is cooler and better for fire types and hotter seasons. Siberian ginseng is the best for regular use. 

There are many herbs that combine well with Ginseng. They are Licorice, Orange Peel, Ginger, Elecampane & Cinnamon. 

Do This!

Exercise 15 • Increasing Your Energy with Ginseng

Next time you are feeling a little run down, purchase some Siberian Ginseng (be certain it is authentic, preferably from Siberia. It tastes mostly bland with a slight bitter taste). 

Dosage: Powder - blend 1 Tbls. in your favourite drink 

          (preferrably not orange). 

          1 cup before breakfast and another in the afternoon 

          around 3:00 P.M. 

          Tablet or capsule - 1 to 2 at same times

          Tincture - 1-5 ml. at same times 

           Do this for one month. Go to bed earlier than usual 
           if you can.

Contra indications: 

Do not use if you drink a lot of coffee, you find that it elevates your blood pressure or it makes you hyper or nervous. 


Red Clover Trifolium pratense 

   Red clover is a mild blood purifier that is suitable for general consumption and long
      term usage. 

   Its taste is pleasant and it is a mildly strengthening tonic. It can be used with children,
     the elderly or in conditions of debility. 

   Mineral rich helping to build strong bones, teeth and lungs. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1 to 3 cups a day between meals 

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Burdock Arctium lappa 

   Burdock cleanses the blood and lymphatics. 

   Burdock root has nutritive properties and is eaten in Japan as a vegetable (Gobo). 

   It is a tonic for Fire Constitutions. 

   It is good for clearing firey emotions like anger and aggression. 

Dosage: Decoction - 1 to 3 cups a day between meals 

Yellow Dock Rumex crispus 

   Yellow Dock is a good general cleanser of blood and lymph. It is good for most toxic
      conditions of the circulatory system. 

   A major herb for reducing high Fire. 

   It relieves toxic heat and clears infections. 

   Reduces pain and inflammation. 

   It stimulates the absorbtion of iron and helps build the blood. 

Dosage: Decoction - 1 to 3 cups a day between meals 


Plantago Major - broad leaf 

Plantago Lancelot - narrow leaf 

This is one plant that you definitely want to get to know. It may save someone's life someday. This humble little herb's availability enhances its healing value. It grows abundantly and everywhere. I have always been able to find a fresh plantain leaf when I needed it. This is immensely important as this plant is excellent for bee stings. Plantain draws out the poison, eliminating pain and swelling, even in delicate areas like the eyes. It works very well for blood poisoning. The simplest method is to chew up a few leaves and apply directly to the afflicted area. For blood poisoning the plant should be taken internally as well. 


   Good for Leukaemia & Glandular disorders - purifies the blood and lymph systems. 

   Blood poisoning, Snake bites, Stings - drawing and eliminating poisons. 

   Relieves pain (toothache, neuralgia, etc.) - sedative for pain and the nerves. 

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   Mercurial poisoning - eliminates the poison. 

   Vaginal disorders with discharge - clears up the infection and expels it. 

   Bedwetting - astringent and sedative. 

   Improves protein digestion - contains proteolytic enzymes, which andwn

   Relieves stomach upset - neutralizes stomach acids and normalizes stomach

   Helps constipation - use seeds and husks as a laxative. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day between meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day between meals 


Dandelion  Taraxacum officinale 
Root & Leaves

   First class liver cleanser and tonic. 

   Rich source of easily-absorbed minerals. 

   Clears congestion of the spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, bladder and kidneys. 

   Rich in organic sodium and of tremendous benefit to the stomach and intestines. 

   The leaves are an excellent diuretic high in potassium which the body loses when we
      use diuretics. 

   Dandelion root regulates the blood sugar and is excellent for hypoglycemia
      (low blood sugar). 

Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals 

Tincture - 2 to5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals 

Mary's Thistle Silybum marianum 

   Mary's Thistle is probably the best liver tonic available today. It occupies the receptor
      sites in the liver and cleanses the toxins therein, preventing the further uptake of

   It is the only remedy (botanical or otherwise) found to be effective for the deadly
     poisoning of * Amanita phalloides mushrooms if taken soon enough. 

   Helpful for psoriasis. 

Dosage: Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals 

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Oregon Grape Root Berberis aquifolium 

   Oregon Grape Root stimulates the secretion of bile. 

   Purifies the blood. 

   Excellent for the treatment of skin diseases due to toxins in the blood, including
      psoriasis, eczema, herpes, and acne. 

   It is a tonic for all the glands and it aids in the assimilation of nutrients. 

Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals 

Tincture - 2 to5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals 


Calamus Acorus calamus 

   Calamus is a popular ayurvedic herb for the brain and nervous system. 

   It encourages cerebral circulation, sharpens memory and enhances awareness. 

   It is an excellent detoxifying herb especially for heavy marijuana users. 

Dosage: Tincture - 2-4 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals 

Fo-Ti Polygonum multiforum 

   Rejuvenating herb. 

   Builds the blood and sperm. 

   Strengthens the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. 

   It strengthens the kidneys, the liver and the nervous system. 

   Restorative for the hair. 

Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals 

Tincture - 2 to5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals 

Gota Kola Hydrocotyle asiatica 

   Possibly the most important rejuvenating herb in Ayurvedic medicine. 

   Revitalizes the nerves and the brain. 

   Increases intelligence, longevity, memory and decreases senility and aging. Good for
      the prevention of Alzheimers disease. 

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   Bolsters the immune system. 

   Nourishes the adrenal glands. 

   Good blood purifier and helpful for chronic skin diseases. 

   Helps the healing of wounds. 

   Good for alcohol-induced cirrhosis of the liver. 

   Good for all three constitutions: 
                           tonic and rejuvenating for Fire.
                           inhibits Wind and calms the nerves.
                           reduces excess Water. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals 


Oatstraw Avena sativa 

   Oatstraw is an excellent nerve tonic, containing the essential nutrients needed for
      regeneration of nerve tissue. 

   It is good for hyperactive children. 

   Helps control bed-wetting. 

   Restorative for burned out adults. 

   Promotes restful sleep. 

   Helps to prevent tension headaches. 

   Stabilizes blood sugar and helps reduce extreme mood swings. 

   Promotes healthy bones, teeth and lungs. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day between meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day between meals 

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Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha 

It is a healer of the heart. When I nestle in close to a Hawthorn tree and gently hug her, we both find such love and strength. When taking it as a heart remedy, I encourage you to spend time with a Hawthorn tree. 


   Increase intercellular Vit. C. levels by stabilizing Vit. C. 

   Decrease capillary permeability & fragility. 

   Collagen stabilizing action. 

   Reduce uric acid levels. 

   Strengthen tendons, ligaments & cartilage. 

   Prevent free radical damage. 

   Reduces inflammation. 

   Exerts a mild and effective antihypertensive effect. 

   Lessens chance of angina attacks. 

   Reduces serum cholesterol levels. 

   Prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the arterial walls. 

   Reduces the size of existing atherosclerotic plaques. 

   Improves blood supply to the heart by dilating the coronary vessels. 

   Improves hearts metabolic processes, increasing the force of contraction and eliminates
      some rhythm disturbances. 

   Promotes digestion & helps remove accumulated food masses or even tumours in the
      gastro-intestinal tract. 

Caution: Hawthorn is safe, though people taking beta-blockers may experience mild
 hypertensive response from increased cardiac output. 

Do This!

Exercise 16 • Hawthorn Elixer

Make an elixir with the berries. Buy a good bottle of brandy and empty into a wide mouth jar. Harvest or purchase enough berries to fill the jar. Shake daily for at least one month. Longer is even better. We usually do this every year. Herbalists call this a saturation tincture. 

Dosage: Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals. Hawthorn can take a couple weeks to get into the tissues, so give it time. 

You can also make a delicious jam. Make only enough for the year and put up in small canning jars. * Strain out all seeds. 

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Do This!

Exercise 17 • Nourishing Your Heart

Place your hand over your heart. Feel the beating of your heart. Imagine your heart sending blood full of rich oxygen and nutrition. Feel it going to every cell in your body, from the tip of your big toe to the crown of your head. Imagine all your cells bathed in this life giving fluid. Open yourself to this eternal rhythm of life affirming energy. 

As you breathe in imagine the blood absorbing the oxygen from your lungs and as you breathe out sense it travelling to every part of your body. When you are finished take a couple more breaths and thank your heart for it's faithful work. Ask it if it needs anything? More exercise, fresh air, iron, magnesium, Vitamin E or herbs like Hawthorn, Motherwort or Lily of the Valley? 

Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca 

   Motherwort is a good tonic for the heart. 

   Combined with hawthorn berries it is a very effective anti-spasmodic relieving
      palpitations, tachycardia and hypertension. 

   Motherwort is a very useful herb to treat suppressed menstruation. 

   It is excellent for calming nervous conditions. Helps with insomnia and sleep disorders. 

   As a bitter tonic it is good for digestion. 

   Relieves menstrual cramps. 

   Thyroid tonic. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day with meals 

Mistletoe Viscum album 

   Mistletoe is a first class heart remedy. It promotes elasticity in the arteries and is good
      for hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. 

   It is also good for headaches accompanied by dizziness. 

Caution: Mistletoe berries are poisonous. Use only a standardised preparation and stick to the dosage listed on it. 

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 69
Garlic Allium sativum 

   Lowers blood pressure. 

   See Protect Yourself for more info. 

   It is a tonic for Fire Constitutions. 

   It is good for clearing firey emotions like anger and aggression. 

Dosage: Fresh cloves - 1 to 2 cloves 2 to 5 x day with food 

Capsules - 1 to 2 capsules 2 to 5 x day with food 


Orange Peel Citrus resticulata 

   Orange Peel contains precursors for the production of essential male hormones. 

   It is a warming and decongestive herb, particularly good for the male genitals and
      reproductive system (common orange peels have a cooler and milder action than
      Mandarin orange). 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup, 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml., 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Caution: Use only organic orange peels as commercial oranges are heavily sprayed. The more aged the better. 


See...Nourish Your Energy Body 

Saw Palmetto Serenoa repens 

   Saw Palmetto berries are one of the best herbs for the prostate gland esp. for a
     condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). They act as a cleanser,
     decongestant, and help reduce swelling and inflammation of this important male gland. 

   It is an excellent male tonic. 

Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup, 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Tincture - 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals 

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Chaste Tree Vitex agnus castus 

   Chaste Tree berries are rejuvenating for the female organs and reproductive system. 

   They are a natural tonic for the pituitary gland regulating the whole hormonal system
      esp. menstrual cycle. 

   Excellent for endometriosis and uterine fibroids. 

   Reduces breast tenderness and lumps in the breast. 

   Helps to regulate menstrual cycle. 

   Helps to regulate hot flashes during menopause. 

   Reduces estrogen and increases progesterone strengthening the vagina and bones. 

   Reduces chronic menstrual cramps. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Tincture - 1 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals 

False Unicorn Chamailirium luteum 

   Used in the treatment of female sterility and impotence. 

   We have been rewarded many times, watching this wonderful herb, help women conceive and carry to full term, when they had previously failed. 

   Used for the treatment of menorrhea, painful menstruation, irregular menstruation and leucorrhea. 

   Use in small amounts during the early part of pregnancy to relieve morning sickness. 

Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals 

caution: if a woman does not want to get pregnant then she should avoid false unicorn root. 

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Dong Quai Angelica senensis 

   Dong Quai is a warming tonic that benefits conditions of a cold nature like menstrual
     cramps, irregularity, delayed flow and weakness during the menstrual period. 

   Use to relieve hot flashes during menopause. 

   Is a valuable blood purifier and good for the liver. 

   It enhances circulation. 

   Moistens the intestines to treat constipation. 

   Dong Quai possesses highly active phytoestrogens (plant) that may act as an alternative
      to estrogen and are much gentler and work better within the body. 

   Increases vaginal secretions. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Tincture - 1 to 4 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Caution: Not be used during pregnancy, excessive menstrual flow, if you have fibroids, bloating, breast tenderness, or diarrhea. Women who are hot most of the time may find it too heating. They may benefit more from Chaste tree. 

Partridge Berry (formerly Squawvine) 

   Partridge berry is useful for the treatment of water retention. 

   Consider it very helpful for the uterus, especially to facilitate childbirth. 

   Use it combined with crampbark, raspberry leaves and a small portion of lobelia, to
      prevent miscarriages. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day before meals 


Marshmallow Althea officinale 

   Enriches mothers milk. 

   Soothing to whole gastrointestinal tract. 

Dosage: Decoction - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day before meals 

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Fennel Foeniculum vulgaris 

   Help promote milk flow for nursing mothers. 

   Fennel seeds are one of the best herbs for digestion, strengthening "bio-fire" without
     aggravating Fire, stopping cramping and dispelling flatulence. 

   Fennel seeds are excellent for digestive weakness in children or the elderly. 

   They are calming to the nerves. 

   They work to stop griping of purgatives. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day with meals 


Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis 

   Stimulates the liver. 

   Externally, the tea is an excellent eyewash, especially combined with goldenseal. 

   Useful for inflammation of the nose and throat. 

   Cooling to the body, reducing excess heat, which risks and can affect the eyes. 

   Good for glaucoma internally and externally. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals 

Bilberry Vaccinium Myrtillus 


   Helps prevent and treat glaucoma. 

   Protects against cataracts and retinal degeneration. 

   Has a stabilizing effect on collagen. 

   Helps reduce varicose veins. 


   Helps to keep blood sugars in control. 

   Reduces uric acid which is helpful for Gout. 

Dosage: Strong infusion - 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 5 x day after meals 

Tincture - 2 to 5 ml. 2 to 5 x day after meals 

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Course Index
Herb Index
Herbs for Health