Inner Healer

Contacting Your Inner Healer

This is an excellent exercise that I adapted from the book "Writing from the Body" by John Lee. His exercise is called meeting the inner artist. You can use this format for contacting different parts of yourself. Find out how they are doing and begin building a relationship with them. For the purpose of this work we will focus on the inner healer.

Do This!

Exercise 4 • Inner Healer

Find a place where you will be comfortable to spend some inner time. Relax and let your attention gently turn inward. Allow your attention to move toward the place where your healer lives. Search for the door that leads to where s/he lives. Observe what the door looks like. Ask if you can come in? When the healer appears, ask how they are doing? Do they need anything? Do they have anything to share with you? How could you foster the relationship? When you are finished, say goodbye and take a few minutes to reflect on the experience before drawing and writing about it.

What is it made of?

  • Is it open or closed?

  • Is the door used frequently or hardly at all?

  • What does your inner healer look like?

  • Did they need anything or have anything to share with you?

  • Draw the experience:

  • Record your experience:
Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 11

Inner Healer