Course Index
Ayurveda Index
Ama and Agni

Congestion & Bio-Fire

In this section we will explore congestion from an Ayurvedic viewpoint. How it is created and what is its affect on each of the constitutions? How to recognize it and remove it. You will learn how to prevent it by building a strong bio-fire.

By the end of this section you will be able to:

  1. Know how to recognize congestion in each constitution and what steps to take to relieve it.

  2. Recognize good bio-fire by the colour of the nail beds.

  3. Prevent congestion by building strong bio-fire.

Congestion (ama)

   Accumulation of toxins, waste materials and indigestible food consisting largely of
     mucoid accretions. 

   Opposite of Bio-Fire.

   Psychologically, emotional congestion arises from holding onto negative emotions. 

   Indigestible experiences become toxic like indigestible food. 

We may need help breaking them down into digestible experiences.


   Heavy                Cloudy           Dense          Strong odour 

   Cold                  Slimy              Impure 


   Loss of taste and appetite.           Indigestion.

   Coated tongue.                            Bad breath.

   Loss of strength                           Heaviness and lethargy.

   Obstruction of channels               Accumulation of waste materials.
      and vessels. 

   Bad odour of body, urine            Lack of attention.
     and faeces. 

   Loss of clarity.                            Depression.

   Irritability.                                   Deep heavy or dull pulse.

Ama is the root of a weak auto-immune system, which can lead to colds, fevers, flus and chronic diseases e.g. allergies, hayfever, asthma, arthritis and cancer. 

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook • 29

Eliminate Congestion first before treating the Constitution! 

   Use bitter tasting herbs and foods. Bitter separates the congesting materials lodged in
      the tissues and organs. Stimulates catabolism breaking down foreign material.

   Use pungent tasting herbs and foods. Pungent burns up and eradicates congestion. 

   Take bitter first to halt the development and pungent to strengthen the Bio-Fire.
      Bio-Fire promotes the consumption of congestion and prevents it from returning.

   Congestion makes us feel heavy. I recommend fasting, using herbs and foods of a light
      nature and exercising more.

Balancing the Constitutions

Pacify the constitution disturbed (likely Wind). Wind brings Fire and Water into line. Treat Wind with rest, meditation, warmth and massage. We treat congestion first if present.


SAMA                                                            NIRAMA

With Congestion:                           Without Congestion: 

(Deficient Wind)                           (Excess Wind)

constipation                                    regular, once a day

foul breath and faeces                     moderate smell

abdominal pain and distention         a little distention

aggravated by touch                       soothed by touch

gas and cramping                            none

coated tongue-low appetite            dry tongue-good appetite

heaviness                                        light feeling

weakness-fatigue                            more energy

slow pulse                                      rapid pulse

aggravated by cloudy weather        not aggravated 


Cleanse:                                      Tone:

short fast - three days                     Nutrition, soups

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 30


SAMA                                                          NIRAMA 

With Congestion:                          Without Congestion:

(Deficient Fire)                             (Excess Fire)

loss of appetite                              excess appetite

little thirst                                      excess thirst

yellow tongue coating                    red, inflamed, no coating

urine, faeces mucus-                     same-red or clear
yellow green   

heaviness in the stomach                stomach feels empty

thick bilious vomiting

bad breath                                     breath normal

bitter or sour taste in the mouth

mild burning sensations                   strong burning sensations

skin rash                                        hot flashes, dizziness

cloudy perceptions                         sharp perceptions

aggravated by cold                         aggravated by heat


Cleanse:                                       To cool and tone:

fast five to seven days,                     sweet and bitter foods
bitter, pungent and stimulant             and herbs

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 31


Sama                                            Nirama

With Congestion:                            Without Congestion:

(Deficient Water)                            (Excess Water)

mucus cloudy sticky or thick            watery or frothy mucus

blocks throat and coats tongue         tongue clear

sour or salty taste in the mouth         sweet taste

congestion and tightness in chest       no congestion

difficulty breathing                            breathing easy

mucus in stool and urine                    none

low appetite                                     normal

heaviness, dull aching

generalized pain, fatigue

Cleanse:                                        Tone:

fast seven to ten days                       Pungent and Sweet taste.

take pungent and bitter herbs 

expectorants, stimulants and decongestants

Bio-Fire (agni)

   Biological processes of digestion, metabolism and catabolism.

   Gastric secretions.

   Acidic in nature.

   Present in every tissue and cell.

   Supports the nutrition of every cell and tissue.

   Maintains the auto immune function.

   Destroys microorganisms, foreign bacteria and toxins in the small and large intestines
     and stomach.

   Affects intelligence, understanding, perception and comprehension.

   Gives colour to the skin.

   Ruler of the enzyme system.

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 32

Impaired Bio-Fire:

   Lowered resistance to disease and immune function.

   Food particles remain indigestible and unabsorbed, clogging the intestines, capillaries
     and blood vessels. They develop into toxins that are absorbed into the blood and enter
     general circulation. They settle in weak areas in the body and develop into chronic
     conditions like arthritis, diabetes and heart disease. 

Finger nails:

   Pink and rosy = good bio-fire

   Pale and dull = poor bio-fire

Herbal Healing Journey Playful Workbook 33

Course Index
Ayurveda Index

Ama and Agni