Herbs are Nature's living medicine.
They are our allies in our quest for health. An ally is much greater than a drug and can
be a friend and a power, coming to our rescue on many levels.
These plants are living things with incredible
power and personalities. They want to make contact with people. Most of them
them are inclusive and want us to include them in our lives. They are a
blessing from nature and help us maintain higher levels of health. Without plants we wouldn't
be breathing or eating. Herbalism is a living art, the art of living.
Welcome to this wonderful unit on herbs. Here you will not only get in touch with the
amazing world of herbs, you will get in touch with different levels of yourself.
Below, you will find the lessons that comprise this unit. Each lesson refers
to sections of the Herbal Healing Playful Journey Workbook for readings. Most lessons
end with a self-checking Quiz.
Please scroll to the top of this page and click on "Herbs"
green lettering) to go back to the index and the rest of this section. Have fun with herbs!